Le Medievaliste is someone who is deeply convinced that the Middle-Ages start at the pyramids, and last until 1899. Sometimes Le Medievaliste is mistaken with the Medievalist, who knows the real dates (from 1200 to 1450). Le Medievaliste has a real out-of-measure interest for everything from the past, because it discovers it with a child's enthousiasm.
Aside the inculture and the naive enthousiasm, Le Medievaliste as in common with the child a strong inability to distinguate between what he knows and what he thinks he remembers, and a quite startling self-confidence, which makes this lack of discerning sometimes contagious. It won't last long before he convinces you that Middle-Ages didn't start with the end of Roman Empire, or that this Empire collapsed in 1200.
According to the Robert dictionary of reference, the Middle-Ages start with the fallout of Roman Empire of Occident (476) and end with takeover of Constantinople by the Turks in 1453, and not with the discovery of Washington D.C. in 1492. That we mark end of Middle-Ages and beginning of Renaissance with the entrance of Turkey in Europe will of course give Le Medievaliste reasons for an article.
Aside the inculture and the naive enthousiasm, Le Medievaliste as in common with the child a strong inability to distinguate between what he knows and what he thinks he remembers, and a quite startling self-confidence, which makes this lack of discerning sometimes contagious. It won't last long before he convinces you that Middle-Ages didn't start with the end of Roman Empire, or that this Empire collapsed in 1200.
According to the Robert dictionary of reference, the Middle-Ages start with the fallout of Roman Empire of Occident (476) and end with takeover of Constantinople by the Turks in 1453, and not with the discovery of Washington D.C. in 1492. That we mark end of Middle-Ages and beginning of Renaissance with the entrance of Turkey in Europe will of course give Le Medievaliste reasons for an article.